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Startseite           Apartments            Strandhaus              Medici              Sehen & Erleben              Location           Kontakt


Städte und Kultur, Natur, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Aktivurlaub, Events, Gastronomie

Nahegelegende Städte


Faszinierende Geschichte und Kulturerbe...

  • 10 km von Medici 

Fascinating history and rich cultural heritage...
Fascinating history and rich cultural heritage...


Eines der bekannstesten Reiseziele...

  • 25 km von Medici 

One of the most famous tourist destination...
One of the most famous tourist destination...


Dalmatiens größte Stadt...

  • 35 km von Medici 

Dalmatian largest city, Split is a great place to see Dalmatian life as it’s really lived... 
Dalmatian largest city, Split is a great place to see Dalmatian life as it’s really lived... 
Dalmatian largest city, Split is a great place to see Dalmatian life as it’s really lived... 


Begegnen Sie der Stadt mit einer mehr als 2300 Jahren alten Tradition...

  • 56 km von Medici 

Meet the city with 2300 years of tradition...
Meet the city with 2300 years of tradition...
Meet the city with 2300 years of tradition...

Schönheit der Natur

Das „Omis Dinara“-Gebirge

Unglaubliche Aussicht, reine und unbelassene Natur...

  • Oberhalb von Medici

Amazing view, pure nature, wild plants...
Amazing view, pure nature, wild plants...

Der Fluss „Cetina“

Der Fluss „Cetina“ ist ein unglaubliches Naturschauspiel...

  •  10 km von Medici 

Cetina is awsome nature attraction...
Cetina is awsome nature attraction...

Strandhöhlen (Pisak)

Sehr schöne versteckte Strände...

  •  4 km von Medici 

Amazing hidden beach...
Amazing hidden beach...

Nature Park Biokovo

Erleben Sie die Aussicht von einem Aussichtspunkt, nehmen teil an Ausflügen, besuchen einen Botanschischen Garten...

  • 30 km von Medici 

Enjoy the view from vantage points, take educational trails, visit a botanical garden...
Enjoy the view from vantage points, take educational trails, visit a botanical garden...
Enjoy the view from vantage points, take educational trails, visit a botanical garden...

Die Bucht „Vruja“ (Dubci)

Schöne Strände, kristallklares Meer, eindrucksvolle Unterwasserwelt, eine reiche Flora und Fauna...

  • 9 km von Medici 

Beautiful beaches, crystal clear sea, impressive underwater world, rich flora and fauna...
Beautiful beaches, crystal clear sea, impressive underwater world, rich flora and fauna...
Beautiful beaches, crystal clear sea, impressive underwater world, rich flora and fauna...

Die Seen werden auch als „Perlen“ der Natur bezeichnet...

  • 45 km von Medici 

They also call the lakes as "pearls of the nature"...
They also call the lakes as "pearls of the nature"...
They also call the lakes as "pearls of the nature"...

Kultur und Sehenswürdigkeiten

Die alte Hauptstadt Dalmatiens...

  •  35 km von Medici 

The ancient capital of Dalmatia....
The ancient capital of Dalmatia....

Die traditionelle „Sinjska Alka“ – ein traditionelles Ritter-Ringreiten

  •  69 km von Medici 

Sinjska alka is the traditional knight's pageant...
Sinjska alka is the traditional knight's pageant...

Die traditionellen a capella Volksmusik in Dalmatien...

  • 10 km von Medici

Traditional a cappella singing in Dalmatia...

Mirabela and Fortica...

  • 10 km von Medici 

Mirabela and Fortica
Mirabela and Fortica
Mirabela and Fortica

Ist einer der auf der Welt besterhaltendsten Monumente der römischen Architektur...

  • 35 km von Medici 

Is one of the best preserved monuments of Roman architecture in the world...

In Europa eines der wertvollsten Muschel- und Seeschneckensammlungen...

  •  25 km von Medici 

One of the European most valuable collection of shells and marine snails...
One of the European most valuable collection of shells and marine snails...
One of the European most valuable collection of shells and marine snails...


Windsurfen, Paragliding, Canoeing, Trekking, Deep Water Soloing (DWS) / Free-Solo-Klettern über tiefen Wasser, Seilrutsche, Rafting, Kanufahren / Kajak, Klettern, Tauchen, Schnorcheln...


„Gastro Night“ jede Woche während der Sommerzeit statt, Seemans-/Fischerfeste, Konzerte an der Kirche in Mimice...

  •  Mimice und Medici

Gastro nights every week over the summer, Fisherman's nights, concerts by the church in Mimice...
Gastro nights every week over the summer, Fisherman's nights, concerts by the church in Mimice...
Gastro nights every week over the summer, Fisherman's nights, concerts by the church in Mimice...
Gastro nights every week over the summer, Fisherman's nights, concerts by the church in Mimice...
Gastro nights every week over the summer, Fisherman's nights, concerts by the church in Mimice...


  • Restaurant und Taverne "Seljacka kuca"

Address: Podkonjevaca 21, Gata

Website: Link

18 km von Medici 

  • Restaurant und Taverne "Kremenko"

Address: Svinisce

Website: Link

23 km von Medici 

Address: Knezova Kacica 4, Omis

Facebook page: Link

10 km von Medici 

Address: Put Mlikarica 12, Biokovo mountain

Website: Link

40 km von Medici 

Traditional Dalmatian cuisine has to tried as it is one of the healthiest in the world...
Traditional Dalmatian cuisine has to tried as it is one of the healthiest in the world...
Traditional Dalmatian cuisine has to tried as it is one of the healthiest in the world...
Traditional Dalmatian cuisine has to tried as it is one of the healthiest in the world...

Restaurants und Bars vor Ort (Mimice, Medici und Lokva Rogoznica)

  • Tavern "Carevi Dvori", Mimice

  • Restaurant & Caffe bar "Sydney Croatia", Mimice

  • Pizzeria & Caffe bar "Puntari", Mimice

  • Tavern & Pizzeria "Val", Mimice

  • Restaurant & Caffe bar "Emi", Mimice

  • Restaurant & Hotel "Pleter", Mimice

  • Restaurant "Kod Mije", Lokva Rogoznica

  • Strandbar "Kontra", Mimice

  • Strandbar "Mali porat", Medici

  • Strandbar "Pokora", Medici

  • Strandbar "Tam-Tam", Mimice

  • Strandbar "Val", Mimice

  • Strandbar "Morska vila", Lokva Rogoznica

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